Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Comunikin Interview

i don't think i ever posted this interview with  Comunikin-7 on my blog so here it is...make sure and check out their latest issue online.  just click on the link.  big thanks to Khan Shadid for the feature!

Comuinkin-7 page 14

Comuinkin-7 page 15


  1. I love reading artist interviews :). That was a great little write up. Congrats. It is so great that you are getting such local notoriety!

  2. thanks for checking it out tammy! it is a good feeling to get recognized, i guess it makes me feel like my efforts to get myself "out there" for the past 6 years have paid off! Next step is to get into some group shows out of fresno, i don't know how the heck people get into those. I've done just 1 or 2, but each time the gallery closed down like right after the show, which is sad.
